
 Year 1 Week 19

(Week 71)

(Any and all work is always credited to the original makers)

Showing this week artwork



.:MMD:. Rise up

by bells123 

 (More desciption on deviantart.com)

Follow bells123 on DeviantArt.com and see more!

  Showing this song of the week

【獣音ロウ.Revo – Re:Chain – BlasterUNLIMITEDEDITION】SAYONARA 【UTAUカバー】

By ZatsuFox ・ ザツフォックス

Follow ZatsuFox ・ ザツフォックス on SoundCloud Channel for more!

What to vote for yourself? Well visit this link below!
Must have a Gmail in order to vote!!

Also vote on Twitter!! Every Thurday till Sunday @Utau_City

Visit UC News for any updates!

Top tab > Option > UC News

Based in a futuristic city, Utau City connects every person from each corner of the world through music, art, and more. With the help with modern technology we are able to communicate with others like never before. With technology continues to advance, we continue to break apart the language wall. Whether you want to look at it like that or not. Utau City exists to bring people together who share a similar goal and dream, also a place where you can be yourself.

If you have an idea, why not share it with people you know will follow it? If not just you, why not use Utau City for a platform for you to grow your group. Someday the ability to do more will come. In the meantime share your support by following Utau City on Twitter (@Utau_City) and on Google+. Join the growing community where you get a chance to vote for the next weekly song and artwork (Shown on the home page above).

If you’re also a fan of virtual reality? Well we are too! We are looking to bring VR experience to the next level! Through by transforming Utau City into a massive virtual world! Chatting with friends, playing mini games (dancing, racing, etc.), and through serious things like online purchasing, schooling, and much more!! So thanks to everyone who came to our website and hope to see you again!!

Visit UC News in “Options” to see any new updates and more!!

This site is a work in progress so there will be updates to the site!

Majority Votes

Always stop by the community to vote for your favorite artwork or song! Whichever wins the majority vote will be featured on this website’s home page above! Once featured on this site it cannot be featured again. However, they can be featured on the Gallery.

Thank you all for participating in the voting system for almost 11 weeks! Hope to see even more people to participate and featured on this site.

-Joshua Skidmore

UTAU 2015

Interested into Utau City? Well what a better way to learn about the city other than learn the program behind the name UTAU.

UTAU 2015 is a group existing on Google+ and on it’s own site. Filled with members who are familiarize with the program and who use it for multiple task. If you are interested into Utauloids. UTAU 2015 is the perfect place to start learning. Hopefully one day, you to can be an expert. From creating music to creating your own Utauloid. Cause in this world nothing is impossible.

UTAU 2015 Website/Forum (http://utau-synth.boards.net/)



Utau City is a big supporter everything revolving around virtual reality! Get to experience VR through Google Cardboard, Sony, and various other Companies! Cause in the end you wish you didn’t look away. The experience is amazing! It can get even better if we all pitch in our support for VR! Cause the future is here. The future is through virtual reality.

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UC News

  NEWS Update PLAYSTATION VR SET TO RELEASE ON OCTOBER 13,2016 As the year of 2016 is coming ever so close to it’s end. Sony releases it’s brand new tech, the PlayStation VR! Said to bring a whole new meaning on what it’s really like to be in virtual reality. Said to be release on … Continue reading UC News

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