
Utauloids are from the use of the vocal synthesizer tool label as UTAU. It’s also taking voices and saving them to wav file. Just like VOCALOID, UTAU can also be from any giving country with different kinds of language. Anyone can create an utauloid from scratch. The look of any giving utauloid is up to the creator. There have been many different kinds of utauloids that have been created or in the process of being created. In short the numbers are huge. One of the reasons why we came up with a city to originally span as far a much utauloids there are in the world.

The first pioneer Utauloid is Kasane Teto.


Just like I said from the Vocaloid page, Utauloids can be used for people who are in need of a singer. They can also be used for almost anything that comes in mind. If you want to create one, necessary starter would be to buy a nice working microphone, a sound program like “Audacity”, and a good computer.

Here is song that features Kasane Teto in “World’s End Dance Hall”

Another one I would like to mention another Utauloid called “Kikyuune Aiko”


She is featured here in a popular song called “Tell your world” and a English parody song called “When Can I See You Again?”. Both songs publish by UTAUxyz on Youtube.

“Tell Your World”

“When Can I See You Again”

If I miss any Utauloids and would like to be featured on this site or wish to have them added to this page, then feel free to contact us.  (utaucity01@gmail.com)


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)


Vocaloid is a voice synthesizing application that has been around since 2004. Since then, the software has been used for commercials, songs, and much more. Ever since it was sold to the public. Over a million people have used the software for either their own or work related project. The software consist of many different vowels in any given language ,thus giving any user the ability to create any or all kinds of songs. From Hip Hop to EDM, metal to classical slow music. Originally in English and Japanese. Vocaloid has stretched out to several different languages.  All current languages that have been used to so far are Japanese, English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, and Catalan.

As English and Japanese were the original languages for the first vocaloids. For English, the very first vocaloids are known as Leon, lola, and Miriam. For Japanese, Meiko and Kaito being the first from Japan. Now people can borrow a voice that was created through the computer. It allowed the software to be familiarize with both people and producers. Soon enough the software became widely popular especially on the internet. One Vocaloid became so popular. That she even left a big mark in the United States and the rest of the world. That vocaloid is called “Hatsune Miku”. Like many other vocaloids that were created before and after. Since Miku is so popular, she was given a holiday for her in Japan. It is on March 9th and the holiday last for two weeks.

For the software vocaloid. The way the software works, to put it in a simple way, is typing in the lyrics. You can also create a melody from this software. Many different companies and groups have used vocaloid for their own purposes. Many such groups are TOYSFACTORYJP, kz livetune, Mitchie M, and many more. On August 22, 2009, vocaloids had the first chance to be in their very first live concert. For the first time people were able to go to a concert for their favorite idol that came from a computer. Now people can go to a concert that doesn’t have a real singer ,but a hologram displayed in a 3d view. Creating the life like moments we see when we see them on stage. However, the one thing that is still human are the crew who perform the instrumental music for the song. With the advancement we see with vocaloid. The far future we thought was out of reach seems to be closer than we think. As the software improves over time. Time how far vocaloid will go and how much more of an impact will it have on are our society. Also how far in the future will the software vocaloid make us go?

Here are several examples of songs that the software “Vocaloid” was used in.

This was used by a English speaking software of vocaloid created from a popular vocaloid called “Hatsune MIku”. Singing a parody of Zedd Spectrum Feat.

This was used by a Japanese speaking software of vocaloid created from “Meiko”.

This was used by a Spanish speaking software of vocaloid created from “Maika”.

This was used by a Korean speaking software of vocaloid created from “SeeU”

This was used by a Chinese speaking software of vocaloid created from “Luo Tianyi”

This was used by a Catalan speaking software of a vocaloid created by “Ona”(alternative mascot for the vocaloid “Maika”)

This was used for many different kinds of languages put into one song. Hopefully it comes over your speaking languages.

Since 2003, software called “Vocaloid” has went through some changes and updates. Here are some known software of Vocaloid over the years.

Vocaloid – 2004

Vocaloid 2 – 2007

Vocaloid 3 – 2011

Vocaloid 4. – 2014

Do you have lyrics and have no voice to showcase it? Why not and experiment with vocaloid? From a personal outlook of vocaloid. It really is a neat program that anyone can use to create a melody from any of your lyrics. If you already have a song and you want to share it. Then share it with Utau City and the rest of the world! Never let yourself be silence by people’s opinion. Either they are good or bad. Let yourself fly and let the music carry you to a better future.

Go with your heart by doing the thing you like to do the most and make the best of it. Everyone makes mistakes ,but the best of people learn from those mistakes. That is what creates a better person. We also allow people to have their song on utaucity.com. Post it on either YouTube and/or SoundCloud and send us a message their our contacts.

Many challenges lie ahead for you. However, I believe anyone can get over any obstacles that come across. Best of people learn from their mistakes. So go out and create something from the heart that can change the future!


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)


Anime Art

This area is focus on art that relates to the Japanese-disseminated animation style. It can be from drawing a crowded area to just one person in a big world. Anime art can be from anywhere from Japan to the United States. If you like watching anime and even to drawing it. Also have a huge imagination for amazing drawings. Feel free to show off that skill here in Utau City.

Any art can be added to Utau City group on Deviantart.com. Also get the chance to showcase your work on this website art gallery! Your name added and more. Link to the site is available below!


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

Computer Art

Welcome to the computer art section of Utau City. This area is mostly looking into digital art. There are different kinds of arts that are used by a computer. With digital art you can make your art pop out to the world. Some digital art can shown as a world in a different reality. Just like when you play a game you are looking at something that was done on the computer. Almost like your playing a virtual reality game when you look into it.

Landscapes, cities, towns, and even the cosmos. Different ideas can be done through the computer. You look on the internet for digital arts and you wonder how did they do this? Well they didn’t do it over night. It takes time and allot of patients in order to complete a big project. If you have a big enough imagination then anyone can be a great digital artist.

Like my other page called Anime Art, people can have two categories into one. (Like having “Anime, Digital Art”.) Anyone has the chance to show case their skills on Utau City. You can share your work and get the chance to show it on our website with your name in more!

Deviantart group (http://utau-city.deviantart.com/)

Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

Architecture – Art of building design

Architecture as you know is the planning, designing, and construction of a building or and other structure. We what to express this to anyone who is interested into architecture. Some architecture work can be seen as cultural symbols and as works of art. Architectural goes back as far as 1 AD to a roman architect. However, other known knowledge of anything before is ether lost or destroyed by time.

From this Roman architect, there are three things you need to think about when planning and building your structure. Durability, Utility, and most of all Beauty. A building needs durability in order to fight against gravity. So having a good position is key in making a structure. The building most also be about to be in use for anything it was design to be. In this gives the building a purpose. Last but not least is beauty. A building most appeal to the people who see it. Some buildings may not bring out that kind of look to everyone. However, since your the one who is creating the structure. You should make your structure have some appeal. So when people come by they can have some sort of a reaction. Overall it’s up to the person who is creating the structure to have whatever he/she what’s it to be.

A way to look for good buildings is through the internet. However, it is also a good way to look at the wonders of the world to give you an idea. Lasting for a long time and still having the strength to stand is an amazing accomplishment. Either way they are still a sight to behold.

In the “Singing City”, architecture work is always on displayed for everyone to see. Also really great to use them as part of a background for a story line or any other things. One such things can be a video game or any games on the computer for any RPGs. As we play some realistic games we come across some of the wonders of the world. Creating an amazing structure can make any city stand out from the rest in the world.

From blueprints, to construction, and finally to the finishing part of the structure. In those takes time and planning to get the structure up and running. Once it’s completed you have a sense of accomplishment. In so we wish to show that creation on UTAU City. Photos of any standing work of art can be added to the gallery here on this site.

Some people go to the city just to go look at these work of art. Even taking pictures with their friends and family. Some times a building might even look like something right out of your favorite sci-fi movie. Or even right out of a comic book with the building having the effect of it still in one.

If you are one of the few who explore in this kind of art. Then feel free to share it with the world! Any architecture art can be added to Utau City group on Deviantart.com. Also get the chance to showcase your work on this website art gallery! Your name added and more. Link to the site is available below!


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

(Sydney Opera House in Australia)


Manga Art

Yes, you read that right. Manga Art.

Here in Utau City, you can also post your manga art. From just a page story to the classic manga size. The size of the manga depends, but I would say around 100 pages would be the usual size. If you have an untold story and you want to express it to everyone. Then, feel free to share it! I also created a few manga story the size of only one page. However, it was fun to do and a fun experience. Even though it was only one page long. So with the idea in mind. What kind of story have you created?

All classic categorizes are accepted, but please be mind full.

images (1)

Any manga art can be added to Utau City group on Deviantart.com. Also get the chance to showcase your work on this website art gallery! Your name added and more. Link to the site is available below! Updates about this will come soon.


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

Music Genres – selection

Music, the one thing that everyone knows and listens to, However, do you know what kind of music it is and who the artists behind your favorite song? Do you just enjoy listening to the beat without wanting to know the artist and the meaning behind the song. Well your not alone. There’re many different kind of people with different taste in music. We all might not have the same favorite song but we all love music all together.

Like in the United States, other countries have music selections they go through. Be rock to a traditional music selection. People around the world are just like you and me. That is the reason why music is the best way to connect the world. As many languages in this world there is as many genres or even more. In every song artist try to compel their message to everyone even if they don’t read or speak the language. If you don’t understand the language, just listen to the beat(feel free to study the language anyways).

When it comes to making a song you have some options. One of them is making a song without having a vocalist. Some famous songs can be without a vocalist. Cause in those songs it’s all about the beat. Another one is the classic method which involves a vocalist. It can be your own, borrow one from a friend, and even creating one from a computer. Some good songs that involve a vocalist can be found in the Music selection list.

Vocalist created from a computer is actually the best option for people when they don’t have people to sing their songs. Anyone can record and change the way they sound in order to fit their needs. One such company is Crypton Future Media, Inc. Who are the creators of the world famous Vocaloid named “Hatsune Miku”. Vocaloids come in different language and are used in different kinds of music. From this different groups have created many songs from borrowed voice like Hatsune Miku. Spread out so much that everyone on the internet has heard of her.

In the futuristic city of Utau City. We encourage people to share their songs with us and with the world. In our words, “we create the future”. We do just that and more. Through people like you, those who are welling to let their voice be heard. We inspire you to do the same here. Cause only you have the power to change the future and the whole world.

(music selections of different genres)










Anyone has the chance to get their song on the front cover of this website! There are many different kinds of music other than this. So if we didn’t get your song genre, then feel free to comment. Always feel free to send a message at ( utaucity01@gmail.com ).

Everything listed is always given the credit to the respective people who created the song.

Extra song selections

Walk the moon

Shut up and dance 

Hand and Hand



Utau City – Art gallery

Now introducing Utau City art gallery. Located at the bottom of the website. People can now look at artwork done by any artist. If you like your artwork displayed, please feel free to contact me through email. ( kent4101oh@gmail.com ).

If you don’t have an email, other means of getting to me is possible. Through twitter(@UtauCity01), Instagram(utaucity01), and Pinterest(Joshua Skidmore – You will know it’s me when you find a board saying Utau City).