UC News


NEWS Update



As the year of 2016 is coming ever so close to it’s end. Sony releases it’s brand new tech, the PlayStation VR! Said to bring a whole new meaning on what it’s really like to be in virtual reality.

Said to be release on October 13, PlayStation VR set be at least $499.99 for the bundle and $399 for the headset itself.

(Please mind this trailer is rated NR. This may be inappropriate for children.)

For more details about PlayStation VR. Please click the link below.

( https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-vr/?utm_medium=Display&utm_campaign=PSVR_Software_Series_8.1.2016&utm_source=YouTube&utm_term=di-vi-5-90802&utm_content=&emcid=di-vi-5-90802 )



More details (https://utaucity.com/utau-city-hallo2016/)

Event – August 1, 2016 – Preparations for Event begins
October 1, 2016 – When Event begins (Start posting your work)
October 31st, 2016 -When Event is over at Midnight




Participate with Utau City through Google+, Twitter, or Facebook!!!

Design done by Hasami Akihana. Digitized by Joshua Skidmore


Josore Project announce the coming of Josore V1 voicebank by August of 2016!

Follow Josore Project on Twitter at @JosoreProject


Miku Expo 2016 – Blue Star feat. Expo ver.

Subcribe to their YouTube Channel to receive more updates!

Hope you all have your tickets because Miku is coming to North America!!!  ^^)


UTAU City First Offical Youtube Vid!!

Brand new Facebook Page!

A brand new Facebook page has been made for UTAU City! Please if you have a Facebook account. Please give it a like!

Link to the page: https://www.facebook.com/utaucity01/

images (4)

Weekly voting

As you might know, UTAU City decided what to put up on the home page each week from a majority vote on a community in Google+.  Lasting longer than Twitter poll, which is only 24 hours long. People have the option to pick between four song options or pictures for the upcoming week.

If you already have an account. You can go to UTAU City (Project) community in G+ and vote for which song or picture you want to be on the home page of our website. If you don’t have one, you can create an email and still participate. Since the lack of people participating in other social medias that have polls. Most of the voting are done in Google.

Only vote once. So in case you are busy, you can just come in and get back to what you’re currently doing. Voting system on other social medias is still unclear, but always stay in touch for more updates!



Safe and Sound

As you all know, the end of the year brings many different holidays such as Hanukkah, Christmas, and other important holidays that are celebrated around the world in many different cultures. UTAU City respectively accepts any and all well-known holidays. To the citizens of the world we wish you stay safe as this year comes to an end. We also wish for the new coming year be your best.


– posted December 7, 2015


EVENT Posting     (non website promotion)

A fan of Hatsune Miku? Well she is on her way to North America in 2016!!!!!!

Get the chance to go!! Visit their site for the time and where the events will be taking please. Also take the time to listen to this song that was posted on Youtube! (mikuexpo.com/na2016/)

Hatsune Miku – Blue Star Feat. by 八王子P

Subscribe to their channel and give them a like!


*Seattle, WA             * San Francisco, CA          *Los Angeles, CA

*Dallas, TX                *Toronto, ON                      *New York, NY

*Mexico City

More information is on their website!

UTAU CITY MONTH CONTEST  1/1/16 – 2/1/16

Be creative, be yourself, be unique!

UTAU City holding it’s month long contest starting on the new year!

“Come one and all to the creation of UTAU City!!!

Yes you, the soon to be artist and designer of the futuristic city known to all as UTAU City. A futuristic city based in the eternal cyberspace! Starting now, We will be hosting a contest to show who can create city sections of UTAU City! Point in this is to create a city in the beyond tomorrow. Use your imagination and create! Doesn’t matter what language, use all of them if you wish! We will connect the world through this project. Through UTAU City!


You can either it be in a crowded area or being on the balcony overlooking the area. This contest will be a month long, so don’t miss out on this opportunity! The winner of this month contest will be featured on UTAU City website homepage!”

The city needs to be created!!!


Here is a awesome artwork done on a city site!



This page goes to all the present and future updates for the site and for all of UTAU City. Any other news source can be accepted. All credit will be given to those whose work is posted on this page.

More (title)loids

Fanloid – fan made characters that are inspired by YAMAHA’s  VST (voice synthesizer tool) VOCALOID.

FXloid – used to describe Vocaloids developed by PowerFX

Monsterloid – use to describe Vocaloids that are created by PowerFX that have an appearance of a monster.

UKloid – Term used to describe a Vocaloid that originated from the United Kingdom. That also can sing in the English language.

Operaloid – term used to Describe Vocaloids that sing in an opera singing manner.

Zeroloid – Used to describe Vocaloids developed by Zero hackerz. Also modified Vocaloid software.

Spanishloid/Espanoloid – term used to describe a vocaloid that can sing in the Spanish language.

J-loid/Nihonloid/Japanloid – term used to describe a Vocaloid who sings in the Japanese language. One example of a Vocaloid is “Hatsune Miku”

Korealoid – Term used for a Vocaloid who can sing in the Korean language.

Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)





Sculpture is a branch of visual arts that works in with three dimensional. Sculptures can be made with materiel like stone, metal, marble, glass, snow, etc. They can also be in different sizes and can even have a big impact on a person when they first see it.

One good example would be the Statue of Liberty.


Standing at 93 meters from the ground to the torch. The Statue of Liberty tells everyone who are just arriving that they have reached America. The statue itself is a work of art that was given to the United States from France on October 28, 1886

Sculptures also have an age as well. Some dating back to even around 10,000 BC. Sculptures can also be made through human imagine to even what they see in everyday life. Many different companies use statues to commercial their products and even from individuals. Showcasing their skill and passion, also be something people come to see when they are visiting a destination.

Sculpture arts can be showcase on the home page and even on the art gallery. Contact through email or twitter (or any of the social medias we are on)

Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

Landscape Art

Landscape art focus on the landscape of a natural area. Having things like mountains, road, clouds, trees, water(oceans, lakes), valleys, forests, etc. There are many different kinds of landscapes from deserts, rain forest, a valley, ocean coast, etc. Weather is also a key part to any landscape artwork. It can be cloudy, rainy(heavy to light), or a clear day. Or twist it up by adding natural disasters like a flood, tornado, hurricane, thunderstorm, and any other storm you can think of. n a landscape art it’s all up to the artist if they want to include anything. The art works better in a wide view with the elements into a coherent composition

Landscape art can also be something man-made or have some man-made objects inside the landscape. Like a town, river dam, town, and even a city. Roads, buildings, bridges, and even a small town. View from downtown, sight from a balcony, and even a view from an airplane.

Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

Here are some examples of landscape arts




Man made landscapes or have some man-made objects.





Utauloids are from the use of the vocal synthesizer tool label as UTAU. It’s also taking voices and saving them to wav file. Just like VOCALOID, UTAU can also be from any giving country with different kinds of language. Anyone can create an utauloid from scratch. The look of any giving utauloid is up to the creator. There have been many different kinds of utauloids that have been created or in the process of being created. In short the numbers are huge. One of the reasons why we came up with a city to originally span as far a much utauloids there are in the world.

The first pioneer Utauloid is Kasane Teto.


Just like I said from the Vocaloid page, Utauloids can be used for people who are in need of a singer. They can also be used for almost anything that comes in mind. If you want to create one, necessary starter would be to buy a nice working microphone, a sound program like “Audacity”, and a good computer.

Here is song that features Kasane Teto in “World’s End Dance Hall”

Another one I would like to mention another Utauloid called “Kikyuune Aiko”


She is featured here in a popular song called “Tell your world” and a English parody song called “When Can I See You Again?”. Both songs publish by UTAUxyz on Youtube.

“Tell Your World”

“When Can I See You Again”

If I miss any Utauloids and would like to be featured on this site or wish to have them added to this page, then feel free to contact us.  (utaucity01@gmail.com)


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)


Vocaloid is a voice synthesizing application that has been around since 2004. Since then, the software has been used for commercials, songs, and much more. Ever since it was sold to the public. Over a million people have used the software for either their own or work related project. The software consist of many different vowels in any given language ,thus giving any user the ability to create any or all kinds of songs. From Hip Hop to EDM, metal to classical slow music. Originally in English and Japanese. Vocaloid has stretched out to several different languages.  All current languages that have been used to so far are Japanese, English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, and Catalan.

As English and Japanese were the original languages for the first vocaloids. For English, the very first vocaloids are known as Leon, lola, and Miriam. For Japanese, Meiko and Kaito being the first from Japan. Now people can borrow a voice that was created through the computer. It allowed the software to be familiarize with both people and producers. Soon enough the software became widely popular especially on the internet. One Vocaloid became so popular. That she even left a big mark in the United States and the rest of the world. That vocaloid is called “Hatsune Miku”. Like many other vocaloids that were created before and after. Since Miku is so popular, she was given a holiday for her in Japan. It is on March 9th and the holiday last for two weeks.

For the software vocaloid. The way the software works, to put it in a simple way, is typing in the lyrics. You can also create a melody from this software. Many different companies and groups have used vocaloid for their own purposes. Many such groups are TOYSFACTORYJP, kz livetune, Mitchie M, and many more. On August 22, 2009, vocaloids had the first chance to be in their very first live concert. For the first time people were able to go to a concert for their favorite idol that came from a computer. Now people can go to a concert that doesn’t have a real singer ,but a hologram displayed in a 3d view. Creating the life like moments we see when we see them on stage. However, the one thing that is still human are the crew who perform the instrumental music for the song. With the advancement we see with vocaloid. The far future we thought was out of reach seems to be closer than we think. As the software improves over time. Time how far vocaloid will go and how much more of an impact will it have on are our society. Also how far in the future will the software vocaloid make us go?

Here are several examples of songs that the software “Vocaloid” was used in.

This was used by a English speaking software of vocaloid created from a popular vocaloid called “Hatsune MIku”. Singing a parody of Zedd Spectrum Feat.

This was used by a Japanese speaking software of vocaloid created from “Meiko”.

This was used by a Spanish speaking software of vocaloid created from “Maika”.

This was used by a Korean speaking software of vocaloid created from “SeeU”

This was used by a Chinese speaking software of vocaloid created from “Luo Tianyi”

This was used by a Catalan speaking software of a vocaloid created by “Ona”(alternative mascot for the vocaloid “Maika”)

This was used for many different kinds of languages put into one song. Hopefully it comes over your speaking languages.

Since 2003, software called “Vocaloid” has went through some changes and updates. Here are some known software of Vocaloid over the years.

Vocaloid – 2004

Vocaloid 2 – 2007

Vocaloid 3 – 2011

Vocaloid 4. – 2014

Do you have lyrics and have no voice to showcase it? Why not and experiment with vocaloid? From a personal outlook of vocaloid. It really is a neat program that anyone can use to create a melody from any of your lyrics. If you already have a song and you want to share it. Then share it with Utau City and the rest of the world! Never let yourself be silence by people’s opinion. Either they are good or bad. Let yourself fly and let the music carry you to a better future.

Go with your heart by doing the thing you like to do the most and make the best of it. Everyone makes mistakes ,but the best of people learn from those mistakes. That is what creates a better person. We also allow people to have their song on utaucity.com. Post it on either YouTube and/or SoundCloud and send us a message their our contacts.

Many challenges lie ahead for you. However, I believe anyone can get over any obstacles that come across. Best of people learn from their mistakes. So go out and create something from the heart that can change the future!


Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)