Music Genres – selection

Music, the one thing that everyone knows and listens to, However, do you know what kind of music it is and who the artists behind your favorite song? Do you just enjoy listening to the beat without wanting to know the artist and the meaning behind the song. Well your not alone. There’re many different kind of people with different taste in music. We all might not have the same favorite song but we all love music all together.

Like in the United States, other countries have music selections they go through. Be rock to a traditional music selection. People around the world are just like you and me. That is the reason why music is the best way to connect the world. As many languages in this world there is as many genres or even more. In every song artist try to compel their message to everyone even if they don’t read or speak the language. If you don’t understand the language, just listen to the beat(feel free to study the language anyways).

When it comes to making a song you have some options. One of them is making a song without having a vocalist. Some famous songs can be without a vocalist. Cause in those songs it’s all about the beat. Another one is the classic method which involves a vocalist. It can be your own, borrow one from a friend, and even creating one from a computer. Some good songs that involve a vocalist can be found in the Music selection list.

Vocalist created from a computer is actually the best option for people when they don’t have people to sing their songs. Anyone can record and change the way they sound in order to fit their needs. One such company is Crypton Future Media, Inc. Who are the creators of the world famous Vocaloid named “Hatsune Miku”. Vocaloids come in different language and are used in different kinds of music. From this different groups have created many songs from borrowed voice like Hatsune Miku. Spread out so much that everyone on the internet has heard of her.

In the futuristic city of Utau City. We encourage people to share their songs with us and with the world. In our words, “we create the future”. We do just that and more. Through people like you, those who are welling to let their voice be heard. We inspire you to do the same here. Cause only you have the power to change the future and the whole world.

(music selections of different genres)










Anyone has the chance to get their song on the front cover of this website! There are many different kinds of music other than this. So if we didn’t get your song genre, then feel free to comment. Always feel free to send a message at ( ).

Everything listed is always given the credit to the respective people who created the song.

Extra song selections

Walk the moon

Shut up and dance 

Hand and Hand



Music production

In this vast world there are over a million songs that was created, is created, and will be created. To many music is a way of life, a thing to escape reality. To Utau City, Music is everything! It what makes this world go around. In in Utau City, we accept a wide variety of songs created by many different artists. We wish to expand on the number of songs that flow through the singing city. If you have an idea, go for it! Because there is no one in the world who can tell you otherwise. Let your heart sing and let yourself fly!

Like many songs you hear you also hear about the groups behind them. If you have friends and a goal, meet with those friends and see how far you can go with that goal!

“Josore Project” (Youtube) Utau City – Future Experimental