Landscape Art

Landscape art focus on the landscape of a natural area. Having things like mountains, road, clouds, trees, water(oceans, lakes), valleys, forests, etc. There are many different kinds of landscapes from deserts, rain forest, a valley, ocean coast, etc. Weather is also a key part to any landscape artwork. It can be cloudy, rainy(heavy to light), or a clear day. Or twist it up by adding natural disasters like a flood, tornado, hurricane, thunderstorm, and any other storm you can think of. n a landscape art it’s all up to the artist if they want to include anything. The art works better in a wide view with the elements into a coherent composition

Landscape art can also be something man-made or have some man-made objects inside the landscape. Like a town, river dam, town, and even a city. Roads, buildings, bridges, and even a small town. View from downtown, sight from a balcony, and even a view from an airplane.

Share your artwork through our twitter account by adding @Utau_City or share your work on our G+ Community (UTAU City Community)

Here are some examples of landscape arts




Man made landscapes or have some man-made objects.




Music Genres – selection

Music, the one thing that everyone knows and listens to, However, do you know what kind of music it is and who the artists behind your favorite song? Do you just enjoy listening to the beat without wanting to know the artist and the meaning behind the song. Well your not alone. There’re many different kind of people with different taste in music. We all might not have the same favorite song but we all love music all together.

Like in the United States, other countries have music selections they go through. Be rock to a traditional music selection. People around the world are just like you and me. That is the reason why music is the best way to connect the world. As many languages in this world there is as many genres or even more. In every song artist try to compel their message to everyone even if they don’t read or speak the language. If you don’t understand the language, just listen to the beat(feel free to study the language anyways).

When it comes to making a song you have some options. One of them is making a song without having a vocalist. Some famous songs can be without a vocalist. Cause in those songs it’s all about the beat. Another one is the classic method which involves a vocalist. It can be your own, borrow one from a friend, and even creating one from a computer. Some good songs that involve a vocalist can be found in the Music selection list.

Vocalist created from a computer is actually the best option for people when they don’t have people to sing their songs. Anyone can record and change the way they sound in order to fit their needs. One such company is Crypton Future Media, Inc. Who are the creators of the world famous Vocaloid named “Hatsune Miku”. Vocaloids come in different language and are used in different kinds of music. From this different groups have created many songs from borrowed voice like Hatsune Miku. Spread out so much that everyone on the internet has heard of her.

In the futuristic city of Utau City. We encourage people to share their songs with us and with the world. In our words, “we create the future”. We do just that and more. Through people like you, those who are welling to let their voice be heard. We inspire you to do the same here. Cause only you have the power to change the future and the whole world.

(music selections of different genres)










Anyone has the chance to get their song on the front cover of this website! There are many different kinds of music other than this. So if we didn’t get your song genre, then feel free to comment. Always feel free to send a message at ( ).

Everything listed is always given the credit to the respective people who created the song.

Extra song selections

Walk the moon

Shut up and dance 

Hand and Hand



Utau City – Art gallery

Now introducing Utau City art gallery. Located at the bottom of the website. People can now look at artwork done by any artist. If you like your artwork displayed, please feel free to contact me through email. ( ).

If you don’t have an email, other means of getting to me is possible. Through twitter(@UtauCity01), Instagram(utaucity01), and Pinterest(Joshua Skidmore – You will know it’s me when you find a board saying Utau City).

Now on DeviantArt!

Are you an artist in some way?What to showcase it? Well now is the chance to share your work, on DeviantArt. A group has been developed to anyone who whats to share their work to the world (Utau-City)! If your not familiarize with the website and is interested? Feel free to look and explore the website! If your lucky, your art will be displayed on our website with your name displayed!

This will showcase your work to everyone and plus get you connected more to the world. If you’re interested into Utau City and like to construct artwork of it. Then the best place to post is in our DeviantArt group. Feel free to express yourself in any of your work. ^ ^

-Side news – Translations are coming! This will allow people from other counties to read and expand Utau City!

DeviantArt Utau City Logo –

Art, Imagination and much more!

What is art you say? Well it’s the main force that drives the place known as “Utau City”. People around the world are inspired to create things that come out of their imagination. Art has also been around for a long time and it also what keeps this world spinning. You almost can’t go anywhere without seeing many kinds of art. From seeing graffiti on the wall to seeing natural art from nature. Even NASA Hubble space telescope takes shots of the universe. When you see the cosmos for the first time it can leave you speechless.

Art can be from creating lyrics for a song to creating singing from creating a 50 foot street art for people as they walk by. It can also be something you eat daily. People have also made buildings and structures to look like art. There are many buildings out their you probably know that look like a work of art. Who knows what you will come across during the day or night. As that has been said, we inspire people to post their artwork with Utau City. When we all come together and share. That is when will we be able to grow and connect more people around the world. Connect them all to Utau City.

Street Art – Nikolaj Arndt ( only use for example )

Art is also a big part of our history and a thing we all can learn a thing from them. In each artwork, different people come up with amazing ideas and they lay out and do it. We work with art as a hobby, to relax, and to get over the bad day at work. It’s also a good way to forget something when you want to forget it all at once. People use art to draw out what they see from their perspective like looking at a village from the hillside. Sometimes when you look at a certain art piece you really like. You set yourself out there and try to create something as amazing at that piece. The next time you have a little free time. Why not take a moment and write down the things you like and do them. If you want to draw and not good at that. Don’t worry about being a pro because everyone starts off somewhere. It takes determination and hard work to improve oneself to get where they want to be. Especially if it’s a dream they want to accomplish. Now that you have this in mind, seat down and see what you can create.

(These pieces were done by unnamed artists. All the credit goes to those who originally made them)