Landscape Art

Landscape art focus on the landscape of a natural area. Having things like mountains, road, clouds, trees, water(oceans, lakes), valleys, forests, etc. There are many different kinds of landscapes from deserts, rain forest, a valley, ocean coast, etc. Weather is also a key part to any landscape artwork. It can be cloudy, rainy(heavy to light), or a clear day. Or twist it up by adding natural disasters like a flood, tornado, hurricane, thunderstorm, and any other storm you can think of. n a landscape art it’s all up to the artist if they want to include anything. The art works better in a wide view with the elements into a coherent composition

Landscape art can also be something man-made or have some man-made objects inside the landscape. Like a town, river dam, town, and even a city. Roads, buildings, bridges, and even a small town. View from downtown, sight from a balcony, and even a view from an airplane.

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Here are some examples of landscape arts




Man made landscapes or have some man-made objects.


